So I have been trying for the past hour or so to make a very nicely formatted post displaying pictures of our apartment. However, either I am very bad at formatting or blogger is not user friendly. Whatever the cause, this post will not be extremely aesthetically pleasing, but it will display what I want to display. Enjoy this glimpse into our little home.
Here is our living room, complete with our handmade coffee table from Marshall's brother, Scott, and our brand new couch. We got a great deal on it from Value City Furniture.
We were very blessed to get such a great apartment. God truly provided in the search for a place to live - I had only 4 days to secure a location before Marshall drove down from Wisconsin with all of his things to start his new job. We got a great deal in a great location. This curio shelf was one of my favorite little quirks about the apartment when I first visited.
Here is our kitchen. This is probably my favorite room in the apartment. It always feels so warm and welcoming and "home" like, even when there are piles of dirty dishes to wash. I love having my own kitchen and having the opportunity to hone my cooking and baking skills. Marshall appreciates the fruits of my labor as well.
These two are our bedroom. I really love the colors we chose. They are simple and peaceful, and I know we will be able to coordinate them into a larger house when we move.
I also love the colors that we ended up using in our bathroom. The greenish blue tile on the walls makes for an interesting color combination, but if you ignore that, it's quite nice.
Finally, here is our office/guest bedroom. The top picture is Marshall's desk full of his little trinkets and random tools and the bottom one displays my little corner of the room. We've been to the zoo a couple times in the past year, and I absolutely love the giraffes, hence the giraffe decorations.
I hope you enjoyed this little glimpse into our life. If I keep this up, I may have an actual, real live blog before too long!
I love the pictures of your apartment! I especially love the bedroom colors. Green and brown look so good together. I'll have to tuck that away for the future. :) I'm adding you to my RSS reader, so know that you have at least one loyal reader (and, I'm sure, many more)!
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